Well i'm sorry that i haven't been here to post a blog all day but I'm finally here to do so. Well Dave and I set up the tv stand just a couple minutes ago. Yes it took us a full week to do so. But so anyways still feeling miserable but i got a ton of sleep today. I haven't been sleeping the best since i got here but i did manage to get like 4 or 5 hours of sleep today :D it was nice. But so yea it was an easy day today cuz i had 2 classes and they were both canceled so hey i won't complain. I have a little hmwk due tomorrow but i'm going to do that after supper. Well just updating you that I'm still alive and everything is ..........ok..... lol. Well i'll talk to everyone later i'm going to see if I have Masterworks chorus tomorrow cuz if not then i can come home early. And Rachael will be able to come and pick me up :D. But if not then i'm going to pick her up from her work. Well i'll talk to everyone later,
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
August 29th 18:02 hours
Yea i have some time so i'm going to post again. Just saying that things have not gotten easier at all and i still miss my love sooooooo much and i miss home too. But the support is nice and the reading the bible if nothing else a. helps me get my mind off of things b. and if the lord wants to tell me something like he did last night then i can listen to him a lot better. Everybody is helpin me get by but i know that i couldn't last 2 weeks away from home. I feel completely stressed out and my brain hurts exessively. But i'm gonna go game try to get my mind off things
August 29th 15:33 hours
lol i just found a funny thing i just thought of and researched to find it true. Ok well as we all know most scientists are trying to prove christianity, Jesus Christ and our Lord to all be false. As they tell us they don't exist. Well guess what they also tell us that we only use 5% of our brains so if they only used 5% of their brains to reach that conclusion. Why should we believe them???????
just thought i'd share that.
just thought i'd share that.
August 29th 14:48hrs DD
Well it has come time for Jeremy to write up the TWGDD (time with god daily devotional, yea i'm going official here lol). Well anyways so after my classes today i went back to my dorm room and i felt like reading more of Mark so I read a couple more chapters and I know Mark's a gospel and that its mostly about the life of Jesus. Therefore its great for learning about what the Lord wants of us also. So anyways i started reading and here are some of the versus that stuck out to me.
Mark 1:16-20 NIV "As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. " Come, follow me," Jesus said, " and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.
When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay he called them and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him."
Mark 1: 40 " A man with leprosy came up to him and begged him on his knees, " If you are willing, you can heal me" ( I believe that Pastor Missel pointed this verse out fairly recently)
I really liked the parable of the growing seed 2 but thats for another daily devotion another day.
Mark 4:38-41 " Jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion. The desciples woke him and said to him, " Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
He said to his disciples, " Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
They were terrified and asked each other, " Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"
Mark 5: 24-35 " A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, " If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, " Who touched my clothes?"
"You see the people crowding against you," his disciples answered, " and yet you can ask, 'Who touched me?'"
But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, " Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
All these versus have at least one thing in common. And i didn't even get all the versus that stuck out to me. It's a simple theme one that i hope everyone has caught onto by now. Faith. Simple and yet soooooo important. In the first verse i mentioned where the disciples had to have enough faith to just leave their jobs. Would you drop your life earnings on the spot? Thats a lot of faith.
And with the man with leprosy. You'd think it doesn't really take faith to ask can you heal me. Like hey anythings worth a shot. But if you look closer at the verse. He says it with out a doubt that if Jesus will do it the man will be healed. "If you are willing, you can heal me". There is nothing in that sentence that says. Can you try to heal me or can you give it a shot. Its if you are willing, if you are willing then heal me because i have no doubt that you can.
And with the storm when the disciples got scared and frightened, they did go to jesus for help which was the right thing to do but afterwards the statement "have ye no faith?" Its the first thing that crosses Jesus' mind. Which shows how important it is. Do you want jesus' questioning your faith? Because he will not question. He knows.
And as finally for the woman and the healing. Faith is what healed her. As Jesus stated.
So as long as we have faith, then life will be ok. So keep that in mind and do your best to in everything you do have your focus on god and think that your doing it for god. Believe in the fact that he died to save you and that without him you are not going to heaven. I hope that this devotional helped people. Its just what i read today and yesterday and I hope that your faith may have increased a little through this. Well i'm gonna go down to the gym. I'll see everyone later and plz pray for me because things haven't gotten any easier.
Mark 1:16-20 NIV "As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. " Come, follow me," Jesus said, " and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him.
When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay he called them and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him."
Mark 1: 40 " A man with leprosy came up to him and begged him on his knees, " If you are willing, you can heal me" ( I believe that Pastor Missel pointed this verse out fairly recently)
I really liked the parable of the growing seed 2 but thats for another daily devotion another day.
Mark 4:38-41 " Jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion. The desciples woke him and said to him, " Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
He said to his disciples, " Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
They were terrified and asked each other, " Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"
Mark 5: 24-35 " A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, " If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.
At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, " Who touched my clothes?"
"You see the people crowding against you," his disciples answered, " and yet you can ask, 'Who touched me?'"
But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, " Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
All these versus have at least one thing in common. And i didn't even get all the versus that stuck out to me. It's a simple theme one that i hope everyone has caught onto by now. Faith. Simple and yet soooooo important. In the first verse i mentioned where the disciples had to have enough faith to just leave their jobs. Would you drop your life earnings on the spot? Thats a lot of faith.
And with the man with leprosy. You'd think it doesn't really take faith to ask can you heal me. Like hey anythings worth a shot. But if you look closer at the verse. He says it with out a doubt that if Jesus will do it the man will be healed. "If you are willing, you can heal me". There is nothing in that sentence that says. Can you try to heal me or can you give it a shot. Its if you are willing, if you are willing then heal me because i have no doubt that you can.
And with the storm when the disciples got scared and frightened, they did go to jesus for help which was the right thing to do but afterwards the statement "have ye no faith?" Its the first thing that crosses Jesus' mind. Which shows how important it is. Do you want jesus' questioning your faith? Because he will not question. He knows.
And as finally for the woman and the healing. Faith is what healed her. As Jesus stated.
So as long as we have faith, then life will be ok. So keep that in mind and do your best to in everything you do have your focus on god and think that your doing it for god. Believe in the fact that he died to save you and that without him you are not going to heaven. I hope that this devotional helped people. Its just what i read today and yesterday and I hope that your faith may have increased a little through this. Well i'm gonna go down to the gym. I'll see everyone later and plz pray for me because things haven't gotten any easier.
August 11:29 hours
Well still miserable but the Lord is helping me and so is Rachael and so is my family so I know that i can last a week without coming home but anymore i doubt. But so i just got out of my morning classes and everything went.....ok. Still thinking about Rachael just as much as ever and I can't stand not seeing her everyday but I'm.... living lol. Thats about what there is too it. But the only good thing i see right now is that I'm starting to read my bible a lot more because thats what interests me now. Well i'm gonna go read for a while so i'll talk to everyone later. My homework is all done so i'm basically free for the rest of the day minus one class. Well i'll post later about the daily devotional and I'll talk to everyone then.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
comment on last post
but don't get me wrong i need rachael and my parents and sister to get through this too.
August 29th 00:34 hours
Well yesterday was interesting and i really felt lonely so i decided to delve into my bible and see if i could get some help there. And to no surprise i did. At first i had no idea where i should read from so i just kinda said hey the lord probably has something he wants me to read so lets just open the bible randomly and see where it takes me from there. I open the bible straight up to the gospel of Mark. So then I read from the beginning of the chapter which was nice as it always is learning more about my Lord and savior but I just felt like I one verse really stuck out to me. And we all know this event but first let me set the stage for you anyways. The desciples and Jesus are out on the sea and Jesus is asleep. A storm comes and the desciples become terrified and went to Jesus saying " Teacher, don't you care if we drown?". And then i read Mark 4:40 " He said to his disciples, " Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"". And i really felt like that verse was talking to me and saying to trust in my faith in the Lord and he'll get me through this. Just as we all need to trust in our faith in the lord i'm actually being tested on it now. I feel like this will draw me closer to the lord because i feel a desire to pick up the bible and learn about him that i never really have felt as strongly as this. I know that my parents and my girlfriend and my sister are always going to be there for me but most importantly so is the Lord and through him i'm gonna be able to get through this. Well anyways i just thought i'd share this little event with you but i'm probably going to get to sleep now cuz i have classes in the morning.
Later and sweet dreams everyone,
P.S. I'm thinking about starting up a daily devotional on here for those of you that would like to tune in feel free to comment too. I know i'm not really qualified but I feel like its the right thing to do and if i read something and i describe it incorrectly on here i welcome my parents to correct me because i'd like to know if i'm wrong. Plus i know that some of my friends are reading this and if i can help any of you to come to the lord through this then its all worth it. Mainly its just going to be a discussion devotional and i'd love for people to post their opinions in the comments section and i'll take all the help i can get. I just feel like and know that the more time that i spend talking and thinking about the lord, the better things will get.
Later and sweet dreams everyone,
P.S. I'm thinking about starting up a daily devotional on here for those of you that would like to tune in feel free to comment too. I know i'm not really qualified but I feel like its the right thing to do and if i read something and i describe it incorrectly on here i welcome my parents to correct me because i'd like to know if i'm wrong. Plus i know that some of my friends are reading this and if i can help any of you to come to the lord through this then its all worth it. Mainly its just going to be a discussion devotional and i'd love for people to post their opinions in the comments section and i'll take all the help i can get. I just feel like and know that the more time that i spend talking and thinking about the lord, the better things will get.
August 28th 18:30 hours
Well I just had my audition for the chorus's and i am hoping i did well but i feel like i just did ok. My throat has been dry all week long and i can't seem to sing right. But life goes on. I feel i did well enough. Anyways i'm gonna go get my hmwk done. I"ve already got my music theory done and my programming. I just need to print out my programming but the printer in the hall isn't working and the library is closed so i'm either going to have to do that in class tomorrow or try to find a time where i can print it out before class(probably what i'm going to do). But so i have english yet. I have to read some poetry weeeeee lol. Sorry trying to joke around lighten things up a little bit. Trying to get myself to smile. Still absolutely miserable but i'm living for the weekend and i kno i can at least make it that long. Well time to go finish hmwk. Later everybody,
August 28th 14:41 hours
Well today was very interesting. I took a closer look at my schedule and realized i had gone to the wrong chorus yesterday. But thats ok cuz the one that i'm supposed to be in hasn't met yet. It's still in the audition stage. Which is cool cuz today at 6 i'm auditioning for a couple. But yea so it was a very interesting day. Its almost over, just a few more hours. YES!!!! Then i'm one day closer to comin home and seeing the love of my life. I can't wait to wrap my arms around her lol. The instant i'm out of class my parents are taking me home :D and then if i can drive the course i get to take my car up :D i can't wait. I just want to be able to come home cuz i'm going to come home every weekend and every other time that i can. But so anyways back to my dorm as usual. I get bored in here sometimes but at least i'm safe and no one is going to be trying to get me to drink. One thing that i'm afraid of is that I'll change if I start being closer friends with some of these guys cause honestly some of them don't have the best morals and they aren't the kind that i want to hang around. Like the only ones out of the group that are cool and think its good that i stick up for what i believe in are Dave the MAN morris and Kevin Fellows. So i like hanging with them but as soon as anyone else joins and the talk to starts to go to alchohal thats my cue to get out of there. Dave doesn't really drink and i know that kev does but they're both cool about it and don't get amazingly out of their minds drunk and they take care of their friends too over getting drunk themselves. But so anyways i'm gonna go play some cod with a friend i met here. Later everybody
August 28th 10:15
O and jessica if you want to post your blog website on here in a comment feel free to that way i can see what your up 2 2 if you have one.
August 28th 10:09 hours
Well as you can tell i blog a lot. I used to have a blog but ended up not using it anymore lol. But so anyways, the day isn't going any better yet. Still feeling really crappy, I'm losing the desire to leave my dorm at all cuz the only person i kno on campus now is a junior who graduated from york a long time ago(tazio dragani). And other than that theres dave but dave is starting to hang out with this girl that he likes a lot more. So i don't really go out with anyone here cuz i kno that basically all everyone is doing is drinking and i refuse, absolutely REFUSE to do so. So theres no point in me even leaving my room cuz i kno no one and i don't feel like meeting a bunch of drinkers. Its pointless. So therefore i get a lot of time to do blogs etc. Well anyways i'm gonna go play some call of duty 2 and try to take my mind off of things......try.
August 28th 9:31
Well today has been harder than any other day so far. I feel like everything is hitting me 10x harder than when i even first got here. I feel like crap. I hate this sooooo much. I was late this morning to my first class by 5 min. But its ok cuz the guy was cool about it. Right about now my only real thoughts are that i would probably rather cut off my own leg than be going through this right now. I'll post later when hopefully i'm not feeling so crappy.
Monday, August 27, 2007
August 28th 2:07
Well today was interesting. Broke down today more than the first day that i came. I miss Rachael sooooooooooo much! She called me today and we just cried together for a while. I love her soooo much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. Well i'm gonna go. Talk to you all a lot more tomorrow.
August 27th 18:42 hours
Well i just wanted to say thanks to all those that have been praying for me. Its been helping me immensely. And all the emails and comments help too. Thanks jessica for the comment. I'm glad that you commented. Well i'm completely and utterly bored but tonight i think that i'm going to go out and get my shark. Just for the fun of it. I want my shark badly. He's gonna be sick. But so yea anyways. Tomorrow i have 2 classes so chances are you'll be finding me online a lot when i'm done with my hmwk. But i actually am probably going to do that tonight. Yes that is right i have homework already. I have to read some stuff for world poetry so i'm probably going to go do that later tonight. But my roommate "needs" the room for a little bit tonight so i won't be back on for a while or at least until he's done. I may go do my hmwk right now actually that way i can try to take my mind off of complete and utter depression. So I'm gonna sign off for now and talk to all of you guys later.
August 27th 16:24 hours
Well i just finished my first day of school. It was ok but it didn't help take my mind off my love. I can't stand this but i'm trying. Without the lord or my cell phone or my parents calls/emails/texts i couldn't stand this and would go home right away. Well tomorrow i have 2 classes all day so if i don't go and pick up the shark today i will tomorrow. Well any ways i'm going to go and send my parents a link to this in case they want to keep up with my events and see how i'm doing. I'll tell everybody later more about whats going on so later everybody, keep up the prayers for me, i'm still hurting as much as when i first got here so i really need the prayers.
so yea heres the way it looks like for me for the schedule
Previous Week | Week of Aug 27, 2007 (1 of 17) |
August 27th 14:02 hours
In case everyone hasn't noticed i'm keeping time in military time. There is reasoning behind that. Its because at the time being it feels like i'm at boot camp here or in prison or something. I'm away from those things that matter most to me other than the Lord. But i talked to my mom today after programming about transfering to GCC and she wasn't completely against it but she feels like i shouldn't cause Rachael will be starting school soon and won't be able to see me during the week anyways so i should just stay here and come home on the weekends. She also feels that if i stay here then i'll be able to get a better job out of college and be able to support Rachael better in the future. And i want to be able to take care of my only love so now i kinda want to stay here... for her sake. I honestly don't care about myself but I just wouldn't feel right if later on down the road i have a crappy job and can't support the family right. I want to be able to make her comfortable. I know that she'll say that she doesn't care as long as she's with me but the thing is i want to be able to make her the happiest person in the world so now i'm leaning that way.... BUT I HAVE NO CLUE!!!! I feel so crappy right now its not even funny. Breakin down just feels like a normal event now. It happens enough. I really want to ask Rachael to marry me though. I'm thinking about just saving my money that i'm supposed to be using for fun this year and at the end of the year getting her a ring and asking her to marry me. Of course not right away heck i'm only a freshmen in college but soon. I really want to marry her so badly it never leaves my thoughts. Well i'm gonna go try and stop thinking about all this maybe play some call of duty try and get my mind onto something familiar like home.
Later everybody,
Later everybody,
August 27th 13:33
I'm in my programming class right now and right now he's just going around learning everyones name so i have time to talk. Anyways so I'm hopefully going to be transfering to GCC now I texted my mom and told her about the idea. Lol she kept trying to call me during class. Luckily my phone was on vibrate. I'm hoping that i can transfer because then i can talk/see my girlfriend every day which is exactly what i want/need. But so anyways i'll be posting my schedule on here for everyone that wants to know where i am at any point in the day that i have classes. Well here comes the teacher so i'll talk to you later.
August 27th 12:25
Well I just got through with my first classes of the day. Everything went smoothly pretty much although world poetry was utterly boring. But thats all good. I'm talking with the love of my life right now and i can't wait to see her still. One of my classes got canceled today due to auditions so that starts next week which is pretty cool. But anyways my next class is a programming class i think. Which should be pretty easy seeing how i've taken the class before so thats all good. Well i can't wait to come home yet again. But things might be easier cuz the parents sent word that i might be able to take my car to school cuz the person that i was supposed to be car pooling with dropped out of school on her second day. :( JULIE i'm prayin for you.
Well i'll talk to all of you later
Well i'll talk to all of you later
August 27th 08:00 hours
Well today marks my first day of classes. I'm off to my first class in about 6 min. Gonna drop by starbucks first. But anyways just sayin i'm up (got up at 07:30) and i'm off so later everybody
Sunday, August 26, 2007
August 27th 00:40
I'm on the phone with the love of my life right now and i can't wait to see her. I think I'm going to get my shark today. Well i'm gonna head to bed soon. Good night everyone
August 26th 22:36
Well here i am again. Nothing to do. I guess i just love typing randomly. But so anyways I've decided i've been alone enough for now so i'm going to buy myself a shark. Yep a shark. Her name is going to be Rachael. Yes after my girlfriend because i miss her so much. I still feel like crap. I don't have much to say really. Mainly i'm just really bored sad tired and really down about everything. Still breaking down about the same amount as the first day. I desperately want to go home. I really need prayers right now. I'm feeling more and more alone as time goes on. So if you believe in god plz pray for me and if you don't send a prayer up there even if you don't think theres anyone up there to do anything about it cuz i guarrentee you there is someone. Well we'll see what happens and if i can stay. Who knows
August 26th at 18:30
Well things just keep getting better and better. I heard from Sean today. Yep. I also heard from him that julie (sean's gf) is going to be dropping out of fredonia. Me and Julie were supposed to be car pooling home every weekend. So now every other weekend i need to find a way home. This unfortunately is going to probably be the bus that runs from fredonia to rochester and then from rochester i'll have to back track and go back to leicester. I really feel quite alone right now. I mean i have my roommate Dave i mean i talk to him a bit but other than that i have nothing. I talk to Rachael over the phone all the time but I still feel like crap just like I did yesterday. The only thing keeping me going right now is other people's opinions not even my own. I don't want to be here anymore. If i could make a living without going to college i would. I just can't believe how much i feel like i'm dying every second is like the pain doubles. I want nothing more or less than to be home right now. I really am deeply considering dropping out. 99.9% of me wants to drop out and then that .1% thinks hey my parents would be so disappointed and i feel like i can't fail them even though i don't even want to be here. I hate this. I hate all of this. Life sucks at the moment and the only things keeping me going are Rachael and the Lord. The emails that come from my parents and my uncle do help. They calm me down for about 5 minutes and then the disappointment and sorrow just kind of tends to hit me like a brick. Well i don't really have much more to say. This is Jeremy signing off and hating Fredonia.
August 26th 2007 17:00
so i just got done with the convocation and that was fun and all... slightly..... ok really really boring but thats all good i suppose other guys would have liked it as the cheerleaders came out and all but thats no biggie i'm taken :D gladly to one girl for the rest of my life. But so anyways we got our picture taken as a class. Cool fact about fredonia the class of '11 is the 2nd largest to come into the school in the schools history. Fredonia came around in 1826 so almost 200 years and my class will be the second largest :D pretty cool huh? But so anyways. Still feeling like complete and total crap and missing my Rachael more than ever. But i am starting to feel like i'll actually survive at least ... possibly. lol. But so anyways tonight people are going to get elected for like president of the hall and stuff like that at the meeting at around 7 which is cool i suppose but i'm not gonna try to be anything. But yea so today was pretty boring and i didn't get to go to church :( which i'm not happy about but I'll be able to go this coming up weekend cuz its LABOR DAY WEEKEND so i get to stay home for 4 days!!!! and be with the love of my life :D pretty sweet huh? And now i gotta figure out this whole lessons thing cuz i don't know what i'm supposed to be doin about that. I have no clue where i'm supposed to figure that out but hey we'll see what happens right? Well i'm going to go try and figure that out right now as a matter of fact so i'll post later. And to all my readers meaning......... me i'm signing off and have a great day. And god bless,
College Life
Well i started up this blog to post about how i'm doin in college and to just think things over. Those of you that want to check up on me from time to time will be able to see what i'm thinking here cuz i have no need to fake anything on here. So anyways, I moved in yesterday and hung out with my roommate dave morris(cool guy). He does do a little partying but not much and he takes care of his friends first and formost like he did last night when one of his friends got completely trashed and he made sure that she got home safe and sound. Well basically the summary is that I'm doin ok but missing rachael so much. But i got a meeting so i'll sign back on later
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